Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmastide is here!

Well, the intention was there...I was going to write a Christmas memory for every day of Christmastide, but I was so tired last night, I simply went to bed. Since this one is about Christmas when I was 2 years old, it would only be right to dedicate this to my little grandson, Andrew, also two years old.

Today, I begin with my earliest Christmas memory. When I was 2 years old I remember Santa coming to my Mammaw and Pappee's house. He brought me and my new little brother, Wayne who had been born in May of that year, our presents. It was so cool! Santa brought me twin dolls, a doll bed and a play iron and ironing board. And before he left, my Mammaw grabbed him and gave him a big ol' kiss, right on the mouth! He was so surprised that he just fell down right in the floor!
Now, you might speculate that I really don't remember that happening. I can tell you that I have heard stories about that event, all of my life. There is also a home movie of this same event, somewhere?

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