Thursday, May 7, 2009

God is a God of Hope 2003A

Weird title, huh? This is a piece that I wrote back in 2003 and I don't believe it was ever used. I just thought I would post it here...If you like it let me know!

I wondered when I was given this assignment what I might write. I have often thought of God in the terms of the hope He brings. Just as I have always known and trusted that God would provide, I have always known that God would be with me, even through my darkest times. Believe me, I have had some dark times.

The best and one of the most recent examples of God’s hope incarnate for me involves my granddaughter, Lilli.

It was on September 11, 2001 that we as Americans and human beings of the world suffered a great tragedy. I had been watching the news that day and saw the events live as they happened. Like so many churches, Highland had a prayer service that evening for the ones who were lost and for our country in general. It was a solemn service and very emotional.

I had told Lori about the service, but as usual she was running a bit late. Then I saw them come in the back, Lori and almost one-year-old Lilli. I don’t know if had been intentional or not, but Lori had dressed Lilli in a t-shirt that had an American flag on it. Well, as one year olds are apt to do she got a bit fidgety near the end of the service, so I took her to the back in case we needed to leave. She settled down and at the end of the service we sang, “It is well with my soul”. It was a precious moment for me. We came to the last refrain and I noticed Lilli was singing, too. I don’t remember her ever doing that before. At the same time I saw that she was looking at our Revelation window. I just wept.

In that precious little one, the one that Jesus said, if you come to Me as…was there giving me hope for the future. I knew that night there was someone who didn’t have to feel the pain and grief that we all felt that day. That innocence still remained. There was someone out there who wasn’t afraid and didn’t know the horror of watching, as thousands of people died that day. She is not scarred by that memory.

My little granddaughter, Lilli gave me hope that God is here, incarnate, with us every day, no matter what happens in our lives. She shows me regularly that I need to trust my heavenly parent like she trusts us to provide for her.

God of Hope, come to us through the trusting hearts of children. May their innocence be an example of how we are to trust in You. Amen