Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmastide is here, Part 2

As I was thinking about what memory to share, I told my daughter Lori, what I was doing. She reminded me of something that I did for her and her daughter on their first Christmas. I think I will let tell you that story sometime in the future. For me, I want to share some memories that were important in my life, not what I have done for others. That isn't who I am.

Many of my favorite memories of Christmas involve my grandparents. I don't know why that surprises me; they were such a big part of my life! My grandfather, Roscoe Lindsey, especially so. He was a rock and I later learned and recovering alcoholic. But he was a good Christian man and I never saw him take a drink.

Pappee, as we called him, always enjoyed playing with the grandchildren. One of his favorite Christmas gags was to tell the kids that he hoped that when Santa came on Christmas Eve that he didn't fill his house slippers with walnuts, as he always seemed to do. And of course he would go to bed and one kid would be chosen to go in and get his house slippers after he "went to sleep". We would fill his slippers with walnuts and place them back where they were, next to the bed. The next morning, Pappee would get up and go to put his feet in his slippers...sure enough; Santa had filled his slippers with nuts, once again! You would hear him holler from the bedroom...I never got tired of that!

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