Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What is it that we need to do, as Christians, in the postmodern world in which we live?

I am currently involved in a book study at Highland Baptist Church. It seems to me, that I am having a difficult time expressing my opinions regarding the issues raised in the book we are reading. Let me begin by telling you the name of the book, it’s author and then I will attempt to write here what my thoughts and feelings are regarding the book’s content.

The name of the book is ‘Everything Must Change, Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope’, written by Brian McLaren. Mr. McLaren has also written several other books, including ‘The Secret Message of Jesus’ and ‘A Generous Orthodoxy’. His work focuses primarily on what the message of Jesus is and how it relates to our world today. In Everything Must Change, McLaren poses two questions. The first, “What are the biggest problems facing the world, today?” He has several lists, from numerous sources. The second is, “What does Jesus have to say about these global problems?”

Mr. McLaren’s books are highly recommended by those who are interested in what is called the “emerging church” movement. Some would say that this is a cult, attempting to draw those who have been disillusioned by the ‘church’ into some false sense of “whatever I do is okay” and putting less emphasis on the salvific message we traditionally see in the Gospels. Others believe that maybe this is a way to rethink how we are as Christians. How do we apply the message of Jesus in our world today?

While I realize that there is definitely less emphasis on salvation in McLaren’s writings, I don’t believe that we have to see it that way. I believe that his ideas have merit. I don’t think he believes we should deny salvation altogether, and if he does, well he is just one man. I am going to put it out there…I am interested in what others think.

I may be opening a can of worms here, but I do value others opinions.

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